• 800 Queenston Road, Suite 305 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8G 1A7

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[av_heading heading=’Seborrheic Keratosis (Warty Age Spot)’ tag=’h2′ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’15’ padding=’0′ color=” custom_font=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”]
Serving Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Grimsby and surrounding areas

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Seborrheic Keratoses:

  • Are areas of thickened skin which can develop anywhere on the skin’s surface except for the palms and soles
  • Are not the same as moles
  • Are not cancerous and never develop into a skin cancer
  • May be tan, pink, brown or even black in colour
  • May be flat or raised
  • Are not due to the Human Papilloma (HPV) wart virus
  • Are not due to diet or sun damage
  • Usually appear as the skin matures
  • Are not contagious
  • May get gradually larger with time and do not disappear spontaneously
  • May sometimes look like a skin cancer
    • If you have a new spot on your skin, be sure to show it to your doctor


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[av_toggle title=’Treatment’ tags=”]
Liquid Nitrogen:

  • The treatment that I use most often is liquid nitrogen, which is a cold, freezing spray
    • The spray is applied to each spot from a thermos-like spray bottle
    • Each spot is sprayed for a few seconds
    • The treatments sting and the area treated may remain sore for 1 to 2 days
    • The treatment may produce blisters
      • This is normal
      •  If the blisters are painful, pop them with a sterile needle to let the fluid out
    • The treated area requires no special treatment but an antibiotic ointment may be applied daily if desired
    • You may bathe normally
    • A bandage is not necessary, but may be worn if desired

Surgical Removal:

  • In some cases it is best to remove the seborrheic keratosis with a small surgical procedure
    • The skin adjacent to a seborrheic keratosis is injected with a local anesthetic to numb the area
    • The lesion is removed, and the base treated with a medication or electrocautery, so that it does not bleed
    • Stitches are not necessary
    • The removal is not painful
    • After the procedure you may bathe normally
    • For 2 weeks after the procedure, apply a small amount of antibiotic and change the bandage daily
    • After a seborrheic keratosis has been removed a crust or scab will form
    • This will heal and leave a pink mark that will gradually fade
    • After the removal, there may be a residual white mark
    • There is a small chance that the seborrheic keratosis could grow back
  • Treatment of seborrheic keratoses is not covered by OHIP or private health insurance
  • A referral from a doctor is necessary to make your first appointment



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[av_image src=’https://www.doctorv.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/large_seborrheic_keratoses1_resize.jpg’ attachment=’2929′ attachment_size=’full’ align=’center’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’ admin_preview_bg=”]
Cherry Hemangioma – Eye Brow

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Seborrheic Keratoses – Back


[av_image src=’https://www.doctorv.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/seborrheic_keratoses_resize.jpg’ attachment=’2931′ attachment_size=’full’ align=’center’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’ admin_preview_bg=”]
Cherry Hemangioma – Eye Brow

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Seborrheic Keratosis – Warty Type


[av_image src=’https://www.doctorv.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/dermatosis_papulosa_nigra1_resize.jpg’ attachment=’2928′ attachment_size=’full’ align=’center’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’ admin_preview_bg=”]
Cherry Hemangioma – Eye Brow

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Seborrheic Keratoses – Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra Type


[av_image src=’https://www.doctorv.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/036011-e1360522636320_resize.jpg’ attachment=’2927′ attachment_size=’full’ align=’center’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=’_blank’ caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’ admin_preview_bg=”]
Cherry Hemangioma – Eye Brow

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Seborrheic Keratoses – Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra Type


[av_image src=’https://www.doctorv.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/large_seborrheic_keratoses2-e1360522550554_resize.jpg’ attachment=’2930′ attachment_size=’full’ align=’center’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=’_blank’ caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’ admin_preview_bg=”]
Cherry Hemangioma – Eye Brow

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Seborrheic Keratosis – Waxy Type


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What if you are interested to learn more?

If you would like to learn more please phone the aesthetic centre directly at (905) 549-7873 to book a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable technicians or

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