Strawberry Hemangioma
Strawberry Angioma, Strawberry Birth Mark
Strawberry Hemangiomas:
- Are usually not present at birth
- Usually appear at two to four weeks of age as a flat pink patch
- May rapidly increase in size and become a dark red colour, up until the age of 18 months to two
- After the age of two, start to slowly disappear
- Fifty per cent will resolve by the age of five, ninety per cent will resolve by the age of nine
- Are more common in girls
- Are more common in premature infants
- Are usually of no danger
- Are not due to any specific event during the pregnancy
- These lesions are usually only treated if they are causing a significant or life threatening medical problem for the infant such as:
- Obstruction of vision
- Obstruction of a nostril
- Obstruction of an ear
- Interfering with breathing
- Chronic bleeding and infection
- The best cosmetic outcomes result if strawberry hemangiomas are allowed to resolve spontaneously
- Other treatments include:
- Lasers
- Surgery
- Injections
- Oral steroids
- Beta blockers
- All of these have been used to shrink hemangiomas but each has its own risks
- Some of these treatments may produce more scarring, than if the hemangioma is left to resolve on its own
- It is usually best to leave strawberry hemangiomas alone and to wait for them to disappear
Strawberry Hemangioma
Strawberry Hemangioma
What if you are interested to learn more?
If you would like to learn more please phone the aesthetic centre directly at (905) 549-7873 to book a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable technicians or